
Welcome! We offer a variety of on campus events in San Anselmo, as well as livestreamed on Zoom. 向下滚动以探索.


Julius Bailey Laurie Garrett-Cobbina 旧金山神学院 Lecture Black Church

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欢迎来到和平之道! JOIN US for a very special evening of worship and music as we celebrate the Holiday season. The SFTS Seminary Singers and the Allen Temple Baptist Church Women's Choir will be performing their celestial sounds. 


活动是免费的,欢迎所有人参加. 在此下载传单.


May 2023



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Wednesday, April 26 for “Wading in the Water: A Chaplain Support Group”

下午的活动提供联系, 为在Covid-19期间服务的牧师提供支持和休息. 与其他当地牧师聚会, 一对一的连接, Share experiences of serving during Covid-19 in a facilitated group, 在大自然中独处.


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Thursday-Friday |   2023年3月9日至10日


在过去的二十年里, scholars have increasingly focused attention on two contrasting features of the Bible: 1) themes of resistance to empire in the New Testament, and 2) the growth of imperialist interpretations of New Testament texts in emergent and subsequent Christian discourse. Many argue that it is impossible to disconnect the web that binds contemporary issues of poverty, 气候变化, identity, and recurring violence from colonialist renderings of biblical texts. 一些人将“帝国主义”维度与新约教义本身联系起来, observing that the NT bears both imperial and anti-imperial imprints. It is difficult to ignore the roles that Bible and Empire have played in fostering a global legacy of chronic distributive imbalance. Likewise, the work of reframing ‘biblical’ teaching grows ever more urgent. 

The purpose of this workshop is to explore the ancient contours and later global legacies of distributive justice (and injustice) in the Bible from a range of disciplinary perspectives. This will involve examining New Testament passages in their Jewish and Roman contexts, as well as critical study of the imperialist uses of such texts and the derivative legacies of transmission, 解释和再占用. 为了达到这个目的, the workshop will bring together both scholars of New Testament and scholars in other fields (literature, 政治科学, Islam, 自然科学, 中世纪的历史), to show how a broad study of the New Testament/Early Christianity bears on contemporary issues related to unequal distribution of resources and opportunities, 比如贫穷, 气候变化, identity, 和暴力.




  • 沃伦·卡特(飞利浦神学院)
    Thinking with Matthew’s Massacre of the Innocents: Visual Interpretations
  • 崔振英(高露洁罗彻斯特克罗泽神学院)
  • 杰奎琳·伊达尔戈(威廉姆斯学院)
    Children of the Apocalypse: Revelation and US Latinx Literature of Environmental Crisis
  • 希瑟·金(威尼斯人平台)
    'The same God that made you made me': Christian Resistance in Eighteenth-Century Black Authors
  • Lillian Larsen(威尼斯人平台/SFTS)
  • 丽莎·奥尔森(威尼斯人平台)
  • 尤金·帕克(Redlands大学/SFTS/GTU)
    Whatever is just I will pay you: Issues of distributive justice in the parable of the day-laborers in the vineyard (Matt 20:1-16)
  • Althea Sircar (Political Science)Sana Tayyen (威尼斯人平台)
    All the children of the world: ICWA and trans-cultural adoption within the political theology of settler colonial Christianity
  • Sana Tayyen
  • Pat Wing(威尼斯人平台)
    The Mongol Apocalypse: A Fourteenth Century Syriac Christian Testament of Jesus to His Disciple Peter



加入我们,聊聊加尔文, 宗教改革的特点和遗产, 而现代世界, with Prof. Ward Holder and other experts, on the occasion of the publication of Holder’s recent book, Calvin and the Christian Tradition: Scripture, Memory, and the Western Mind.

2023年3月3日,星期五,下午2:00 - 5:00



  • 护士长(街). 安塞尔姆学院),著有 Calvin and the Christian Tradition: Scripture, Memory, and the Western Mind (剑桥2022)和 Reinhold Niebuhr in Theory and Practice: Christian Realism and American Politics in the Twenty-First Century (列克星敦2019)
  • 芭芭拉·皮特金(斯坦福大学),《 Calvin, the Bible, and History: Exegesis and Historical Reflection in the Era of Reform (2020年牛津)
  • Christopher Ocker (旧金山神学院, 威尼斯人平台), author of 混合改革 (剑桥2022)
  • Ethan Shagan(加州大学伯克利分校),《 现代信仰的诞生 普林斯顿大学(2018)
  • Kirsi Stjerna (Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary/研究生神学联合会), editor of 近代早期欧洲的女性改革家 (《堡垒2022》),著有 路德宗神学:信仰语法 (T&克拉克2020)


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2023年2月4日星期六  |  4:00 PM

威尼斯人平台 Conservatory of Music Artist Faculty Francisco Castillo, oboe, 凯瑟琳·内文, clarinet, 和卡罗琳·贝克, bassoon, 为观众带来一场新旧融合的音乐会. The program features 20th century masterworks by French composers Jacques Ibert and Joseph Canteloube, 还有加利福尼亚作曲家德翁·普莱斯的音乐, 艾德丽安艾伯特, 以及音乐学院的同事安德烈·迈尔斯. Price’s “Crosswinds” is specially arranged for the Redlands Reed Trio for this performance, and selections by Albert and Myers were recently premiered by the ensemble in 2022.


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欢迎光明! JOIN US for a very special evening of worship and music as we celebrate the Holiday season. The SFTS Seminary Singers and the UR School of Music Chorale Ensemble will be performing their celestial sounds. 欢迎所有人.


活动是免费的, 但如果你愿意支持我们的社区项目, we would greatly appreciate an offering to the  SFTS Shaw Chaplaincy Institute at this link:  hurongyun168.com/supportsfts.


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旧金山神学院, San Anselmo  |  12:00pm - 3:30pm

神学是怎么说具体化的? 肉体对神学有什么看法? Wendy Farley writes, it’s time to pay attention to what excluded bodies have to say to theology. Jon Berquist说, the way we understand bodies runs parallel to the way we understand society and God, 在古代也是如此, in the many competing views of bodies and embodiment present in the Hebrew Bible. 

JOIN US 非正式的午餐, a panel discussion with Farley and Berquist and the faculty of 旧金山神学院, 以及“化身灵性实验室”,” in which participants will together reimagine how theology can be embodied in liturgy, practice, 以及社会公正. We will conclude with an Embodiment of Prayer led by Marcia McFee.


事件细节上面写着H. Eugene Farlough 加州 Chair in African-American Christianity, 10月18日, 2022年,朱利叶斯·贝利在户外微笑的照片旁边

“A Faith That Will Not Shrink”:  Learning From The Yellow Fever Epidemic and the A.M.E. 教堂,1793 - 1878

朱利叶斯·贝利作为H. Eugene Farlough 加州 Chair in African-American Christianity.
